UN SUBMISSIONSUN Submission – [2017]DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT INFORM and CIVICUS Joint Submission on Sri Lanka to the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 28th Session of ...By EDITOR
HR SITUATION SLRepression of Dissent in Sri Lanka, August 2024Click here to download the full report Executive Summary Context: The focus of this month was largely on the election ...By Editor
HR SITUATION SLRepression of Dissent in Sri Lanka, August 2024Click here to download the full report Executive Summary Context: The focus of this month was largely on the election ...By Editor
FACT FINDING MISSIONFact Finding Missions – [2007]MAY – Inform Joint Report on Fact-finding mission to Batticaloa. DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT APR – INFORM Joint report on fact-finding ...By EDITOR
JOINT STATEMENT & APPEALSJoint Statements and Appeals – [2017]MAR – Joint Statement on Conviction of Lena Hendry – Statement from SL – 16 March 2017 (English). DOWNLOAD FULL ...By EDITOR
REMEMBERINGSunila AbeysekaraSunila, a founder member of INFORM, exemplified how the global and local intersect. For over 40 years, she worked for ...By EDITOR